Category Archives: ENGLISH – ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ

Απολογιστική-προτασιακή τοποθέτηση του συντρόφου Δημήτρη Χατζηβασιλειάδη προς τους συντρόφους

Στις 21 Οκτώβρη 2019, περίπου στις 11μμ, πραγματοποιήθηκε από εμένα κι ένα ακόμα πρόσωπο η απαλλοτρίωση του ταμείου ενός καταστήματος κρατικού καζίνο στον Χολαργό (προάστειο της Αθήνας). Πριν την αποχώρησή μας από το σημείο άλλαξε χέρια το τουφέκι που είχαμε για την αυτοπροστασία μας. Ένα αυτόματο τουφέκι, εφόσον είναι διαθέσιμο αποτελεί ένα πειστικό αποτρεπτικό μέσο κατά την διάρκεια οποιασδήποτε πράξης που ενδέχεται να αντιμετωπίσει την δολοφονική επέμβαση των μισθοφόρων του κεφάλαιου. Καθάρματα σαν αυτά που σκότωσαν βασανιστικά τον George Floyd, τα ίδια που δολοφόνησαν ομαδικά τον ήδη τραυματισμένο από τα φασιστο-αφεντικά Ζακ Κωστόπουλο σ’ ένα πεζοδρόμιο, μεσημέρι, στο κέντρο της πόλης και ελάχιστο καιρό μετά, τον Embouka Mamasoubek στο αστυνομικό τμήμα της Ομόνοιας και που ακόμα τα ονόματά τους είναι άγνωστα αφού είχαν την πλήρη κάλυψη της αριστερής κυβέρνησης και της αστικής δικαιοσύνης, δεν καταλαβαίνουν άλλη γλώσσα από αυτήν που έχουν μάθει να εφαρμόζουν.

Την στιγμή που ξαναπήρα εγώ το όπλο, εκπυρσοκρότησε λόγω δικών μου αμελειών. Το βλήμα με χτύπησε στο πόδι. Αφού αποχωρήσαμε από το σημείο, κατέφυγα στο παρακείμενο σπίτι ενός παλιού φίλου. Εκεί, υποθέτοντας ότι πολύ σύντομα οι διωκτικοί μηχανισμοί και τα τσιράκια τους οι καθεστωτικοί ρεπόρτερ θα δημοσιοποιούσαν φωτογραφίες μου, αποφάσισα να εκκενώσω ένα διαμέρισμα στο οποίο φύλαγα ένα σύνολο εργαλείων αντίστασης, με σκοπό την διάσωσή τους. Έτσι, αυτά τα εργαλεία βρέθηκαν στο σπίτι που είχα καταφύγει και κατέληξαν στις αποθήκες των στρατοκρατών, περίπου δυο βδομάδες μετά τον τραυματισμό μου.

Το κείμενο που ακολουθεί είναι ο πολιτικός απολογισμός μου και η πολιτική τοποθέτησή μου για τη συνέχεια του αγώνα, με σημείο αναφοράς τον τραυματισμό μου και την κατασταλτική επιχείρηση που ακολούθησε. Συντάχθηκε τον Γενάρη και κοινοποιήθηκε σε συλλογικά σώματα του αντικρατικού-αντικαπιταλιστικού κινήματος με ορισμένα ανοιχτά πολιτικά κριτήρια. Είχε προηγηθεί, λίγες μέρες μετά τις συλλήψεις, τις απαγωγές αγωνιστών και τις εισβολές σε σπίτια, μια πρώτη ενημερωτική δημόσια τοποθέτησή μου, με την οποία ανέλαβα την αποκλειστική ευθύνη για την κατοχή των εργαλείων που βρέθηκαν στο σπίτι του φίλου μου και μεταξύ αυτών, ενός τουφεκιού-σφραγίδα της Οργάνωσης Επαναστατικής Αυτοάμυνας. Ετούτο, το δεύτερο κείμενο σχετικά με τα γεγονότα της 21ης Οκτώβρη κι έπειτα, δημοσιοποιείται τώρα.

Η τοποθέτηση του Γενάρη αποτελείται από τρεις ενότητες. Η πρώτη, περιγράφει το πολιτικό μεθοδολογικό πλαίσιο του απολογισμού και στην συνέχεια, περιγράφει τα δεδομένα με πολιτικούς όρους και επισκοπεί τις πολιτικές συνθήκες που οδήγησαν στην συγκεκριμένη κατασταλτική επιχείρηση. Η πρώτη ενότητα κλείνει με την επισήμανση των θεμελιακών πολιτικών ελλείψεων του κινήματος, εμμένουσες επί πολλές δεκαετίες μέχρι σήμερα, οι οποίες καταδικάζουν και τους αγωνιστές και τους εξεγερμένους να στέκονται σαν σφαχτάρια μπροστά στην φονική ισχύ του κράτους. Είναι οι ίδιες πολιτικές ελλείψεις που οδηγούν τα μαχητικά σχήματα σε αναπότρεπτες ασυνέχειες.

Η δεύτερη ενότητα αποτελεί σύνοψη της πρώτης και πρακτική συγκεκριμενοποίησή της για την αλληλεγγύη. Απευθυνόμενη στους συντρόφους τους οποίους κίνησε η αλληλεγγύη σε σχέση με την κατασταλτική επιχείρηση που εξαπολύθηκε μετά τον τραυματισμό μου, βάζει στην σειρά ορισμένα δεδομένα προσανατολισμού. Η τρίτη ενότητα είναι ένας απολογισμός, πολιτικός και πρακτικός, των συνθηκών που οδήγησαν στον τραυματισμό μου.

Ακολουθεί ένας επίλογος επικαιροποίησης της απεύθυνσής μου προς τους συντρόφους, από την ιδιαίτερη κατάσταση στην οποία βρίσκομαι.

ολόκληρο το κείμενο σε pdf:

the complete text in pdf:



Ενημέρωση από δράσεις με αφορμή το G20 (πανευρωπαϊκά) – Two weeks till G20 Hamburg (some updates)


post image


This was the video of the anarchist call against G20 in Hamburg.

And this are some actions, collected from

Stones against SPD and prison profiteur

Arson attack against a ThyssenKrupp-vehicle

Attack against Thales

Arson attack against Deutsche Telekom

Excavator burns – against G20-Summit

Attack against construction-company HOCHTIEF and a call against the G20-summit

Attack against the ‘Messe Hamburg’, venue for the OSCE and G20 summits

Athens, Attack against the office of security company SCS

Berlin, Arson attack against a police station

Leipzig, 3 public-order-police vehicles torched

Sweden, Bank attacked

Leipzig, Arson attack against Job Center

Arson attacks against Sodexo and Vodafone

Berlin, French diplomatic vehicle torched

Bremen, Bundeswehr (Armed Forces) vehicle torched

Berlin, Arson attack on a police station against the Police Congress & the G20 Summit

Berlin, Securitas (private security company) vehicles torched

Hamburg, Two police cars torched

Hamburg, more Police cars in station torched

Arson attack against a ‘Securitas’ private security company vehicle

Madrid, Spain: Incendiary attack against the Cavalry Unit of the National Police

Bremen, Incendiary attack against Jobcenter

Arson Attack Against the Vehicle Fleet of ‘Deutsche See’

Weilheim, Arson Attack Against a Police Station

and this will happen:

there is a calender with the main protest events

International anti-capitalist demonstration against G20 summit: G20 Welcome to hell

Thursday, 6 July 2017 ,

4 p.m., St. Pauli Fischmarkt, Hamburg

If you can not come to Hamburg, ATTACK EVERYWHERE !



CALL TO VIGILANCE AGAINST THE MAFIA WING OF REPRESSION / Announcement-information about the recent attempt to target GARE squat



On Wednesday 24/5. squat Gare was targetted by persons organized in the mafia. At noon, during clashes with the riot police which were taking place in the area around Exarchia sq., there was a confrontation between some protesters who were building a barricade against the pigs and a local bussiness man who attempted to prevent them from doing so. A group of people who were at that moment in a social centre next to where this was going on, jumped to the aid of this bussiness man. The said bussiness man is well known in the neighborhood of Exarchia for his connections with networks of extortion, prostitution and drugs as well as with the security police. The clashes that followed between some of the protesters and this particular group, became the excuse for laying the accusation on squat Gare as being responsible for the events.

This particular group has recently been accused, by a number of collectives during open assemblies, for attempting to impose their authority by military means over self-organized projects. This group acts in the name of social centres and formations of the movement, which despite having been asked to condenm the activities of this group, they stay silent.

Immediately after these events, this group came along with a bunch of bouncers and paid thugs and gathered outside the squat in a threatening manner. What we have here is a consortium which included gangs of thugs who sell protection to the local markets and who have in the past been involved in attacks and brutal injuries against active members of the movement. After their departure, some of the initial group came to our assembly and declared that they will target our squat unless we find and deliver, within 24 hours, the persons who clashed with them earlier on the square.

Later on the same evening, persons belonging to this group pulled down the banner of squat GARE from Exarchia sq. This is the banner with which we urge the neighborhood to mobilize against repression, calling for an open event on Exarchia sq. on Sunday 28/5 and to an open assembly against the police occupation of the neigborhood on Monday 29/5. The act of taking down the banner was an agressive act aimed at the social resistance against repression. Such practices serve the designs of the state, are beffiting only to parastate agents and as such they must be dealt with. The banner was immediately raised again by comrades of the squat with an organized and self defended intervention on the square. The barkings of gang dogs can only build up our rage and armour our defense. We will be determined against any attempt to terrorize the resistance in this neighborhood.

We call all forces of the movement to take a stance. SILENCE IS GUILT.




Squat Gare

Kallidromiou 74, Exarchia


Announcement-information about the recent attempt to target GARE squat

On Wednesday 25th of May, following the call of GARE squat concerning the events that took place the day before in Exarchia and at the squat, we gathered and as one body  we made a demonstration and an action at Exarchia square making a stop outside the mafia controlled hotel exarcheion.
It was a first collective response against the provocations of gangs of bouncers and paid thugs against political fighters.
These particular persons who attempted to give an ultimatum to Gare squat and who pulled down a political banner from the square, belong to the Coordination of Refugee Squats and use its name for their actions which are clearly hostile to the movement, without any collective agreement of the Coordination. All the while, the social center Nosotros and the Coordination of Refugee Squats continue to provide political cover to this team.
These  persons who take part in designs for  political and financial domination in the area, in direct collaboration with mafia networks of paid thugs, attempt to engage football fans of a particular club and turn them against the movement’s spaces and activity. We declare that this attempt is misleading, as the struggle in a neighborhood is not the arena neither of football fan nor of personal conflicts. This specific clique as well as paid thugs in general do not have social recognition in the area and this is why they try to recruit people on the basis of football club participation. Everyone must be fully aware of the responsibility that they bear.

At this point we declare that:
We will defend our struggles by all means necessary, united against economic interests and their supporters.
    The anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement can have no relations to  mechanisms of exploitation and control.
    Political cover to such practices shall not be tolerated. The political structures that have provided cover to such mechanisms much renounce them and conduct public self-criticism about all these events.

Collectives and comrades for the defense of spaces of struggle

TO THE BARRICADES: Open event and assembly Against the Police Occupation

«Resistance of the neighborhood, memory and present»


with photo exhibition &
video projection

Sunday 28/5   8 p.m. Exarchia Sq.



Against the police occupation

Monday 29/5  6 p.m.                Polytechneio (Gini)


Αφίσα στα ελληνικά – Poster ın greek

Κείμενο – Text in greek

IIRSA: Οι υποδομές της καταστροφής – Εκδήλωση με συντρόφους από την Χιλή, για το σχέδιο περιφερειακής ανάπτυξης Νότιας Αμερικής (The IIRSA: The infrastructure of devastation)

Το IIRSA είναι ένα γίγα-πρότζεκτ, σε ηπειρωτικό επίπεδο, που θα εκπονηθεί από όλα τα νοτιοαμερικάνικα κράτη με υποστήριξη, χρηματοδότηση και συντονισμό από το ΔΝΤ. Είναι το μεγαλύτερο εγχείρημα ανκατάταξης μιας περιοχής στην παγκόσμια ιστορία, συγκρίσιμο μόνο με την ευρωπαϊκή εισβολή στην Αμερική.

Από τον Αμαζόνιο και το Standing Rock μέχρι τις Σκουριές και το Αιγαίο: Η καπιταλιστική ανάπτυξη είναι η αδηφαγία της παγκόσμιας ελίτ, το σχέδιό τους για την αφαίμαξη του πλανήτη με σκοπό τη συνολική κυριαρχία πάνω σε φυσικούς πόρους και ανθρώπους.

Η αντίσταση είναι επιτακτική και αναγκαία.

Ανοιχτή συζήτηση για το αναρχικό κίνημα στη Λουμπλιάνα-Σλοβενία. Open talk about the anarchist movement in Ljubljiana-Slovenia

Ανοιχτή συζήτηση για το αναρχικό κίνημα στη Λουμπλιάνα-Σλοβενία

Σύντροφοι από την Αναρχική Πρωτοβουλία Λουμπλιάνας (APL), μέλος της Ομοσπονδίας για την Αναρχική Οργάνωση(FAO), θα παρουσιάσουν το τοπικό κίνημα, τους αγώνες και την ιστορία της Σλοβενίας, καθώς και με αναλυτική ματιά, τις πρακτικές που έχουν αναπτυχθεί μέσα από τις εμπειρίες του αναρχικού κινήματος. Μετά την παρουσίαση θα ακολουθήσει ανοιχτή συζήτηση.

(η παρουσίαση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στα Αγγλικά)

Open talk about the anarchist movement in Ljubljiana-Slovenia

Comrades from the Anarchist Initiative Ljubljiana (APL), part of the Federation for Anarchist Organising (FAO), will introduce the local movement, struggles and history of Slovenia and give an analytical account of the practices that have been developed through the expreriences of the anarchist movement. The presentation will be followed by open discussion.

(the talk will be in English)


Πέμπτη 4/5   στις 21:00

Thursday 4/5  at 21:00

Κατάληψη GARE  (Καλλιδρομίου 74, Εξάρχεια)

From Rojava to Belarus: Solidarity with the Anarchist Prisoners


Aleksandr Lukashenko, for 24 years you have dominated the people of Belarus and using your oppressive state apparatuses inherited from the authoritarian Soviet past, you continued this perpetual nightmare for the people.

Since the 15th of March, you, and your parasites, the bureaucrats, the police and the snitches have unleashed a barbaric campaign of repression against the people of Belarus and especially the anarchists who fight for the liberation of all.

Solidarity is the weapon of the people and as anarchists we are united in our struggle across all borders, fences and walls.

For these reasons, we are setting our sights on you.


Solidarity with the Imprisoned Anarchists in Belarus

On March 15th, anarchists joined thousands of Belarusians who went to the streets in multiple cities to protest the decades of harsh economic and social conditions caused by 24 years of Lukashenko’s dictatorship. Anarchists at this protest organized a separate block unfurling banners which read “For the people, the main social parasite are the bureaucrats, politicians and the police.” The anarchists were tailed by civil cops and after being followed and harassed, dozens were arrested. By the end of the day, over 100 people, including both anarchists and even bystanders were detained by the authorities.

Following those events, opposition groups, some of them liberal, nationalist and far-right, called for protests on March 25th throughout Belarus. The government started a nationwide hunt for anarchists and opposition members. In one of the most widespread police crackdowns in decades, the government raided homes and detained dozens of anarchists. Additionally, the regime  mobilized a campaign of terror using the repressive power of the police and the media to curb all anarchist efforts to organize against the regime. Police and military units were dispatched to Minsk in one of the largest operation’s in post-Soviet Belarus. Anarchists along with opposition groups and ordinary Belarusians marched through the streets to protest the ongoing state repression. The aftermath was the detention of over 100 people, many of them anarchists. In total, some estimate that over 1,000 people have been detained in Belarus in the recent events so far.

The IRPGF stands in solidarity with all the anarchists currently imprisoned, detained and injured from recent events. As anarchists ourselves, we see solidarity as the weapon of the people and reach out to you at this time of state repression to say that we are with you. We see the dictatorship of Lukashenko as our enemy, as much as yours and we are ready, with weapons in our hands, to fight any state around the world.





I.R.P.G.F. (April 2017)

VideoAnnouncementIrpgfSolidarityWithAnarchistsInBelarus – PDF TEXT

Mensaje de solidaridad … Bielorrusia desde Rojava IRPGF – Espanol PDF


R.U.I.S.    (A)    I.R.P.G.F.

From Rojava all the way to Athens
You will have to bleed to capture
the liberated ground of the struggle
Solidarity to the squats
R.U.I.S.    (A)    I.R.P.G.F.


R.U.I.S.=  Επαναστατικός Σύνδεσμος Διεθνιστικής Αλληλεγγύης (Revolutionary Union for Internationalist Solidarity)

I.R.P.G.F. = Διεθνιστικές Επαναστατικές Λαϊκές Αντάρτικες Δυνάμεις (International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces)

Anarchists in Rojava announce IRPGF (Texts in English, German, Swedish, Spanish, Kurdish,Turkish)

(April 2017)

Today, the revolution in Rojava is under attack. Like the Paris Commune and at so many other points in history, the revolutionary forces face the leviathan of capitalist hegemony which has come to devour the new world and enslave us all once again. This is our Stalingrad. The revolution must be defended! Therefore, we announce the creation of the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) to defend the revolution in Rojava.

The International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) is a militant armed self-organized and horizontal collective working to defend social revolutions around the world, to directly confront capital and the state, and advance the cause of anarchism.

We are committed anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists and against all forms of patriarchy and kyriarchy. We announce our membership in the International Freedom Battalion and declare our support and alliance with the YPJ, the YPG, the PKK, the Antifascist International Tabur (AIT) and the International Freedom Battalion’s member organizations. We declare our open struggle with all imperialist, fascist and counterrevolutionary forces.






Οι θέσεις των IRPGF

IRPGF Positions – English

Video Announcement IRPGF and IFB Membership

IRPGF Positions – German

Video Announcement IRPGF and IFB Membership (German)

IRPGF-Positions – Swedish

IRPGF Positions – Kurdish

IRPGF Positions – Turkish

VideoAnnouncement (Espanol)

Self-organized edjucation activities in Squat GARE (method of the sentient, sciences, history, swordmaship, war theory)


“GARE squat is created on the premise of collective and social reappropriation and of organizing the ground against the world of authority, capital and the state. The ground of resistance is built on material conditions and it becomes as much a point of venture as a bulwark in the struggle to crush every tyrannical institution. ” (excerpt from the founding text)

Swordmanship & war theory:
every Saturday 8 – 10 pm

Methodology and practise
                               of the sentient
(perceptive and cognitive
           scientific bodywork),
one Sunday per month.
1st workshop:
Sunday 2 April   9am – 6pm

Discource – discussions
of scientific subjects
one Sunday per month.
1st workshop:
Sunday 9 April   5 pm
for Information (beyond programme hours)
Every Wendnesday 5 – 11 pm, GARE squat, 74 Kallidromiou street, Exarheia, Athens


Text for the strike in USA prisons from 9/9/2016

If we can’t live like human beings, we shall at least die like humans.”

Οn September 9, 1971, around 1.200 prisoners at the Attica Correctional Facility in the State of New York occupy 3 sections of the prison and take 38 guards and employees hostage. Their demands included amnesty for and the release of all political prisoners in the U.S. Immediately, the prison is surrounded by the forces of the National Guard and on the 13 of September the police intervenes. Over 1.000 police officers and national guards took place in the battle, which lasted 90 minutes. Helicopters, flying above the prison, flood the prison with tear gas as the crew calls through loudspeakers the prisoners to surrender. Amid the tear gas the police and the army start shooting indiscriminately. The final report counts 43 dead and over 250 injured. After the massacre the prison looks like a battlefield. A wave of protests breaks out across the country, especially from the black community. After all, 85% of prisoners in Attica were black. Despite the bloody ending, the uprising strengthened the feeling of unity and militancy amongst the black community in the U.S. Continue reading Text for the strike in USA prisons from 9/9/2016

POSTER for the strike in USA prisons from 9/9/2016


Η αφίσα στα ελληνικά

We won! Mambij is free!

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manbij burka

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   We won! Mambij is free!
Correspondance from the reporters
of Revolutionary Union for Internationalist Solidarity


After two and a half months of hard fighting, and at great cost in lives lost, Manbij has been liberated. The islamofascist gangs were thoroughly defeated; the Syrian Democratic Forces – YPG/YPJ and their allies, including ourselves – have prevailed within the city and the surrounding area.

The operation for the liberation of Mambij was the hardest and most decisive battle of this five year old war (with the exception, of course, of the battle for Kobane), marking a crucial turn of events in Syria, but also for the Middle East as a whole. Manbij was Daesh’s most powerful centre and stronghold within the region, and a passageway of resupply and communication, through, as is well known, the Turkish borders and their – often shamelessly explicit – collaborators: AKP’s fascist regime. Throughout these years, Daesh has used this line through the borders and especially the Jarablus causeway, for its resupply of war equipment, funds and fighters – especially after the YPG/YPJ forces liberated Sengal, rescued the Yezidi people and cut off the northern passage between the Iraqi and Syrian territories which were under Daesh control.

To better grasp the importance of cutting off the islamofascists’ passageway from Turkey, it is worth noting that according to some rough estimates from Turkish comrades, (experienced party members of the United Freedom Forces / BÖG, on whose side the RUIS combatants are currently fighting on, and the RUIS reporters are collaborating with) about 30-50.00 Daesh militants and 3-5 million of their supporters are currently residing within Turkish territory.

Mambij was the largest city – second only to Raqqa – under Daesh control in Syria and the islamofascists had concentrated a large number of their forces and supplies within it. Given also the huge strategic importance of the city, liberating Mambij was considered a seriously difficult operation. Unlike many other cases, Daesh offered serious resistance using great amounts of fire power. Nevertheless the Syrian Democratic Forces’ tactics proved effective, and the perseverance and determination of its troops ironclad.

Although throughout the period leading up to the start of the operation the SDF had deliberately created the impression – through press statements and troop movements – that they would move towards Raqqa, on the 31st of May, they made a sudden turn and commenced their attack on Mambij. At the beginning of June, through a series of speedy surprise attacks, they took control of all the surrounding villages, encircling the city, and thus isolating it from Raqa and Jarablus. The siege of Mambij had began.

The city’s encirclement was deliberately, but also de facto (due to the considerable size of the surrounding area), not completely air tight. SDF’s positioning established an effective military control of the city from all sides – thus preventing Daesh from organising counter-attacks undetected – allowing at the same time for small units of islamofascist deserters to escape the siege,(creeping in the darkness of moonless nights) resulting in the gradual diminution of their forces.

On the other hand, Daesh gang members’ multiple organised attacks to break SDF lines, were met with fierce defence, resulting in their ultimate failure.

After a certain point onwards, through careful manoeuvring so as to limit casualties on our side, and with the (helpful indeed, yet restrained) contribution of air strikes from the International Coalition, the siege kept tightening, thus constricting the Daesh within the centre of the city. During this time, the United Freedom Forces (BÖG) sent combatants to different points of the urban centre front-line, contributing decisively to the final attack on and elimination of the islamofascist gangs.

In the afternoon of the 12th of August, the remaining gang members, in an effort to escape – and knowing full well SDF’s commitment to prioritise civilians’ safety – kidnapped a large number of civilians, mostly Arabs from the Al-Sabr neighbourhood, in order order to use them as human shields in their flight towards Jarablus, forming a convoy of about 500 cars and 400 motorcycles. SDF ordered a cease fire in order to protect the kidnapped civilians, yet some Daesh members were detected within other civilian groups and arrested.

(Sources report that soon after, a great number of the kidnapped civilians escaped and returned to Mambij, saluting in the most tangible way its liberation by SDF.)

At the same time, multitudes of suffering and injured civilians – many of which were children – were rescued by SDF, given food and water, and transported to safe areas and hospitals.

The conditions of oppression enforced by Daesh were unbearable and ordinary citizens were faced with a reality of privation and destitution.

The cleaning-up and reconstruction of the city has already began, and its citizens, relieved after being liberated from the tyranny of the islamofascists, have slowly started to return to their homes and lives. The scale of the destruction, though, is immense. The day after is a repulsive image to behold. The streets are filled with rubble and trash, even rotting corpses. Broken, demolished buildings everywhere, full of holes from bullets and shelling. Yet through the wreckage and the ruin there dawns the hope of a new better life!

Κείμενο στα ελληνικά


manbij after

A breifing and a political account of the court-martial of total objector to military service, Dimitri Chatzivasileidi (2 june 2016)


In April (2016) the total objector to military service Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis made a public statement in view of his coming trial at the court-martial: “…on the 2nd of June, when I will be tried for the second time on appeal for refusing to enlist for military service, I will stand once again in front of the military judges and I will articulate the polemic of the ones below against the state and its privileged castes. But this time I will not give in to buying off the sentence. Conviction will mean imprisonment, And prison brings us face to face with a situation of real war, politically, objectively and as a lived experience. And even if the generals of militarist repression give me the chance by setting a usual sentence of a few months, I will go on hunger strike so that the might of the extortionate and larcenous measures against Total Objection is once and for all overturned…”

Following an open meeting on the 4th of May in Athens for political briefing and for the organization of actions called by a collective where the comrade, total objector participates, the Solidarity Assembly to total objector Dimitris Chatzivasieliadis was formed. The main cohesive position of the assembly was that it is imperative for the movement as a whole, for collectives and individuals to take initiatives from which would emerge the collective struggle and response to the intensified onslaught of state and capital. We deemed that the stance of the persecuted comrade contributed to this direction. And so we mobilized immediately bearing in mind that the true answers are contained within the struggle, within its questions and its stakes. Continue reading A breifing and a political account of the court-martial of total objector to military service, Dimitri Chatzivasileidi (2 june 2016)


On the 2nd of June, the military court of appeals will review my sentence to 12 months in prison for my second and third refusal to enlist in military service. Given the fact that I do not fall into the legal window of sentence suspension due to having been convicted in the past for my political activity, the sentence of my first conviction for the offense of refusal to serve in the conscription army (sentence to 12 months imprisonment) was paid off in installments with the aid of the solidarity movement. In addition three administrative fines have been imposed of 6,000 Eur each for four conscription calls which I have refused.

The endless persecutions, arrests, humiliating transfers, court-marshals and consecutive sentences imposed on Total Objectors of military service are a characteristic expression of state terrorism for which military rule is essential. As I wrote from the cells of the Police HQ where I was held when arrested for the third time for refusal to serve (2/11/14):
“The successive persecutions of Total Objectors for our consistent and politically conscious decision to not serve the most brutal mechanism of authority, aim to curb the anti-militarist, class movement. I do not recognize the right of military-state repression. My detention in a cell, even for one night, is a brutal and unacceptable insult at any notion of freedom and social justice. The resistance against state brutality will not be bent. It will grow and it shall win. Immediate end to the persecution of Total Objectors and an end to arrests.” Continue reading STATEMENT OF A TOTAL OBJECTOR OF MILITARY SERVICE IN VIEW OF IMPENDING COURT-MARSHAL AND POSSIBLE IMPRISONMENT

Διεθνιστές επαναστάτες μαχητές του YPG/YPJ καλούν σε συστράτευση στην αντίσταση στο Bakur Kurdistan – Internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ called upon the youths to join the self-rule resistance in Bakur Kurdistan alongside the YPS and guerrilla forces

Internationalist combatants fighting in the ranks of YPG/YPJ (People’s/Women’s Defense Units) have released a statement saluting the self-rule resistance in Bakur (North) Kurdistan. Revolutionaries called upon the youths to join the resistance alongside the YPS (Civil Defense Units) and guerrilla forces.

The press conference by internationalist combatants was held at the border between Qamislo city of Rojava and Nusaybin town of Bakur Kurdistan. The statement in Kurdish, Spanish, German and English also called upon youths worldwide to support the Kurdistan revolution.

The press release by revolutionaries from Germany, France and Spain is as follows:

“We are revolutionaries from all over the world who have come to Kurdistan out of their own free will to join the struggle for liberation.

We are living in a time of constant emergency. While at the heart of the Leviathan the enemy continues to numb, stupefy and enslave the people in the most thorough and wicked way, the fringes are lost in war. Today the oppression of 500 years of capitalism lives on in countless forms.

The rulers know no limits when it comes to securing their wealth and pursuing their interests. If we look at all the news of a single day it is easy to simply drown in despair. And that is exactly the point. We are to believe that there is no alternative, that the system we live in is the only option. When the soviet union collapsed it was said that we are at “the end of history”. But now, 25 years later, we see once more that capitalism isn’t and never has been able to solve our problems. On the contrary, every so-called solution has only multiplied the existing problems.

The system thrives on oppression. The oppressors need us. They cannot exist without us, but we can without them. Slavery, war and sorrow, loneliness and despair are neither fate nor coincidence, they are inevitable characteristics of a capitalist society. It is therefore our most urgent duty to organize against it. As much as they try to overwhelm our conscience and plant their truth in our hearts – we will not be deceived any longer. The alternative exists, right in front of our eyes.

For more than 40 years the resistance of the PKK against the occupiers, most notably the Turkish state, has never faltered. The PKK fight for freedom and autonomy, not just for Kurds but for all peoples of the Middle East. 4 years ago the fire caught in the western part of Kurdistan called Rojava, which was then liberated from the Syrian occupation. Rojava’s people self-organized, leading to a full-scale social revolution. Everywhere they founded councils and communes for local administration, and cooperatives as basis for a new economy. The historical resistance that was put up to defend the revolution, the fight of the guerilla; liberation of women, radical democracy and ecology as foundation of an alternative society – these are our hopes in the 21st century. We draw courage and belief from the revolution in Kurdistan.

The situation right now is very critical. The war in Northern Kurdistan, the part occupied by Turkey, has been raging for half a year. The attack on the guerrilla-controlled territories by theTurkish occupation forces on 24th of July was answered by the people by declarations of Democratic Autonomy in many areas in Northern Kurdistan. They built up communes and local councils, just like in Rojava. Led by the YDGH and YDGK youth and young women’s movement the people organized their self-defense and erected barricades in their neighborhoods. The Turkish state saw this as a threat to its authority that had for the last years merely existed symbolically in the Kurdish regions and attacked with uninhibited brutality.

For months now the people, most notably the revolutionary youth, have been resisting against the second-biggest army of NATO. Heavy fighting continues in the cities of Cizîre, Silopya, Nisêbîn, Kerboran, Şirnex, Gever and the Sûr and Farqîn neighborhoods of Amed.

During the winter months the snow limits very much the movement of the guerrilla. This is why the enemy does everything in his power to break the will of the people before spring. In the 90ies the state burned down thousands of villages to separate the population from the guerrilla and force the people to become refugees. Today they attempt the very same, attacking civilians with tanks, helicopters and heavy artillery.

Everyday there is news of children, youths and whole families massacred by state forces. The state has send thousands of its best troops and heavy weaponry into the Kurdish regions to quell the revolutionary insurrection. The occupation forces have decreed curfews in all Kurdish cities, cut off water and electricity and keep spreading anti-Kurdish propaganda while heavily censoring all Turkish media outlets. But despite all this the people have stood up to all intimidation attempts and fight everyday with unwavering courage and conviction in the streets of north Kurdistan. Recently the civil defense units YPS, modeled after the Rojavan YPG, have been built up to support this resistance.

We congratulate the creation of the YPS and send our warmest greetings and respect to the YDGH. Many of our comrades have fallen in this struggle. Their memory gives us strength and their sacrifice will not have been in vain. We will carry on the flame of revolution with all our heart and mind. Our place is here, side by side with our comrades, fighting for a free Kurdistan and Middle East.

We call on all revolutionaries worldwide – join the resistance. This is not the time to sit at home and ponder what might be. We are building and defending the future now. We call for resistance and solidarity. Rise against the imperialist forces. Come to Kurdistan and join the forces of YPJ, YPS and the guerrilla!”

[youtube width=”468″ height=”379″][/youtube]



The 8th of March is a day of struggle. Struggle for the emancipation of women which will come from women self organizing their struggle towards social liberation. The oppressed women know that in order to fight the patriarchy which enslaves us, we must also fight the state and capitalism. State, capital and patriarchy feed one another in order for the bosses to segregate and exploit the people. The 8th of March cannot fit into void liberal concepts about gender equality within a world of generalized inequality. This day should be a day of resistance, an opportunity for women to take the streets together, to organize our militant and anti-institutional fight against every form of oppression.
In the regions of Turkey and Kurdistan, women have been fighting a war against many fronts, against the Turkish fascist regime, against the theocratic totalitarianism of the Islamic State, against patriarchy. The revolution in the autonomous regions of Kurdistan is a living example of the combative self organization of women towards social autonomy. Women fighters call on this day, all resisting and working women to intensify their struggle, to make this day a day of resistance, to honor the murdered women whose bodies were dragged into the streets as trophies of the enemy. We draw inspiration and strength from the example of the women of Kurdistan so as to intensify our struggle here and everywhere.
 Us women must militantly organize in order to brake our chains!

TUESDAY 8th of MARCH 5 p.m.

Initiative of internationalist women fighters




Call for solidarity to the movement of social self-direction and resistance in Turkie and Kurdistan


Serhildan Jiyan e

(revolt is life)


 Since June 2015, after the elections in Turkey in which Erdogan and his party (AKP) suffered great losses, an all out war has been declared against the Kurdish communities of eastern Turkey on the pretext of fighting “terrorism”. By waging a nationalist war, the fascist regime of Erdogan aims to dominate the extreme class antitheses within the turkish region as well as the interstate and imperialist antagonism within the wider region from the Black Sea to Mesopotamia. As Erdogan’s government incites nationalism and chauvinism within Turkey by spreading violence and repression, the forces of Kurdish and Turkish fighters maintain a mighty resistance and are escalating the level of confrontation by declaring autonomy in many regions and managing to strike military and police targets. Against the brutality of the fascist Turkish regime, the popular guards of the kurdish autonomist movement and Turkish revolutionaries resist by any means necessary, barricade their neighborhoods and take up arms.
 Every day towns and cities in Kurdistan are being bombed and are under state of emergency; curfews, bombings, assassinations by the repressive forces of the army and the police, home raids and arrests on charges of participation in either the rebel forces of PKK or in one of the hundreds of grass roots organizations which mobilize in Turkey and in Kurdistan around a variety of issues ranging from local governance and neighborhood assemblies to human rights groups and solidarity to political prisoners. The regime’s strategic plan is to attempt the palestinization of Kurdistan. An entire population is forced into a state of siege under conditions of subordination or even annihilation, by military and bio-political means. For this reason, the Turkish state is not only targeting revolutionary organizations but the entire spectrum of the social web. The state and military are deliberately assassinating women, children and the elderly, precisely because they are aware that the latter constitute an active subject of the social resistance and not simply unarmed civilians. Women and children in Kurdistan are the ones who lend the struggle its great momentum. The Turkish state cannot face the rebels’ armed resistance without bearing overwhelming losses and without the risk of suffering crushing defeats. It could compromise with a truce with regards to the armed conflict, however the immediate peril for the regime is the movement for democratic autonomy that has been developing for years and which feeds the Kurdish resistance and signifies its depth. The mass social resistance cannot be confined into the line of fire; it permeats and deconstructs the space occupied by power.

Continue reading Call for solidarity to the movement of social self-direction and resistance in Turkie and Kurdistan

Analysis about Rojava revolution and internationalist solidarity, from the Anarchist Popular Unity (UNIPA – Brazil)

War and revolution in the trenches of Rojava:
Position of the revolutionary anarchists

Comunique No. 44 of the Anarchist Popular Unity (UNIPA)
Brazil, March 2015

Κείμενο στα ελληνικά

 The struggle for the freedom of Kurdistan did not start today. The Kurdish people has a struggle for self-determination that covers centuries of combat in the region of Mesopotamia. Among wars and uprisings, external domain or control and repression by the own oligarchies, the history of fight of this people, particularly the recent history, begins to create interests all over the world. After all, who are these men and women which today combat and resist to the advance of the Islamic State in the north of Syria? The international press and the governments do not have interest in divulging information.
Today, the eyes of the world turn toward the heroic resistance and victories of the popular masses in Kobanê against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The recent clashes in this region which embraces the Turkey, Iraq and Syria is target of the imperialist intervention and control and of jihadist groups which dispute the geopolitical redesign of the North Africa and Middle East.
The armed resistance in Kobanê is inserted today in a complicated theater of political-military operations and which imposes on the agenda the theoretical, strategical and programmatic debate of the revolutionaries and anarchists. The warm solidarity around the world and the waving of the black flags once more in the trenches of Kobanê show us the importance of the international solidarity to the advance of the struggle and of a anarchist line which does not run away the tasks of the revolution.
However, more than just a simplistic defense (and even aesthetic) or an irresponsible and purist criticism (pacifist or sectarian), today is fundamental a position of the revolutionary anarchists in order to influence in the events, for defending and advancing in the conquests of the Kurdish people and of the working masses of the entire world. It is seeking to contribute with a revolutionary and anarchist analysis and with a militant goal that us from UNIPA release this comunique. Continue reading Analysis about Rojava revolution and internationalist solidarity, from the Anarchist Popular Unity (UNIPA – Brazil)

Αγγλική μετάφραση της εισήγησης της Αναρχικής Συλλογικότητας για την Μαχητική Προλεταριακή Ανασυγκρότηση στην εκδήλωση πολιτικής ενημέρωσης κι επαναστατικής αλληλεγγύης για τον αγώνα στην Rojava (Πολυτεχνείο – Αθήνα 24 Ιούλη 2015)

Κείμενο στα ελληνικά

Κείμενο στα ισπανικά

Introduction by the Anarchist Collective for the Combative Proletarian Reconstruction (ASMPA) at the event for political briefing and revolutionary solidarity to the struggle in Rojava. Athens 24/7/2015

 Our political collective, ASMPA, took the initiative to organize this event for political briefing and revolutionary solidarity; because there are comrades who have made the decision to join in solidarity the revolutionary struggle that is unfolding now in Rojava. We’ve invited you here so as to directly support the internationalist struggle and to reinforce the future of resistance there, until the victory of the revolution.
Two threads of social liberation struggles meet in Rojava, two threads which begin decades ago. One thread begins in the Lacandon jungle of the Chiapas district in Mexico. In an attempt to reconstruct a guerilla tradition that never really faded away in that continent, an initially small organization of revolutionaries from a left background had been preparing their onset for a decade, in the context of a directly dialectical relation with the oppressed social base. Through this dialogue, EZLN left statist politics and party centralization behind. By occupying and liberating ground for the benefit of all the oppressed, EZLN planted a seed for social autonomy, which is growing and evolving until today. Continue reading Αγγλική μετάφραση της εισήγησης της Αναρχικής Συλλογικότητας για την Μαχητική Προλεταριακή Ανασυγκρότηση στην εκδήλωση πολιτικής ενημέρωσης κι επαναστατικής αλληλεγγύης για τον αγώνα στην Rojava (Πολυτεχνείο – Αθήνα 24 Ιούλη 2015)

Revolutionary Union for Internationalist Solidarity: Response for the struggle in Rojava

R.U.I.S.’ solidarity response

The Revolutionary Union for Internationalist Solidarity is a formation for struggle with the aim to practice solidarity in the international field of armed conflicts on the the side of the classes of the oppressed who fight towards social liberation from the domination of states and of capital.
Solidarity in practice should bear characteristics of a common struggle at every critical point, a struggle which creates the world of revolution and which through its radical character, breaks the boundaries of tyranny, of oppression and of exploitation.
Specially, in responding to the call-out of MLKP for international solidarity we decided to take part with commitment to the necessities of the social struggle in Kurdistan.
We are there to offer our services to the struggle and to learn from the multi-faceted and resourceful living revolutionary process.
We recognise in this struggle:
-Its fundamental class character
-Its anti-fascist and anti-imperialist character
-Its social liberation character
Along with the multiform reinforcement of the revolutionary forces in Syria, Iraq, Turkey and the wider Middle East, the Revolutionary Union for Internationalist Solidarity aims to open up a path of solidarity from Greece, which will not only attempt to realise the vision of Internationalist Revolutionary Solidarity, but will also pursue the coordination and collaboration beyond the local boundaries.
Even though we have formulated our own political programme towards libertarian communism, we recognise the fundamental value of a broad collectivisation based on a broad range of conditions while at the same time each participant maintains their autonomy.

FOR THE SOCIAL REVOLUTION                                 R.U.I.S.   April 2015


Κείμενο στα ισπανικά – Espanol

Κείμενο στα ελληνικά

English translation of pamphlet – call for manifestation to the military trial of the Total Objector of Military service Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis

“Peter, Johan and Franz worked in a factory, making tanks…”
(Lyrics from an antimilitarist song)

Little by little the urban centres of capital in the four populated continents increasingly resemble concentration camps. Police forces are becoming militarized, sweeping the prison cities, openly torturing, shooting, attacking demonstrations en masse with chemical weapons, invading spaces of resistance, imprisoning and holding hostage an ever growing part of the opressed population. At the same time, armies are getting intensively reorginised into counter-revolutionary repressive institutions. With increasing frequency they intervene in the capitalist galleys in order to ensure class tyranny, enveloped in their post cold-war bourgeois propaganda which targets anyone who willfully or not becomes a threat to the security of their regimes.

Since the 90s, european republics, having sanctified their nazi deviants (both historical and contemporary), have been waging a war at their borders against the hungry and downtrodden of the capitalist periphery. They then spread concentration camps along the geographical borderlines of class antagonism, to be incorporated into the web of everyday control. Those of us who are deemed superfluous for capitalist reproduction under conditions of brutal exploitation, impoverishment and social cannibalism, are captured en masse under administrative detention. What is reflected both in our imprisonment and in our revolts is the fear of the rulers vis a vis the unbridled social potential. The condensed concentration camp serves to protect the universal work camp. In order to safeguard their profit, the rulers unleash class genocide on a planetary scale. Anihilation constitutes the perfected form of capital’s biopolitical domination over the exploited. The concentration camps of today, by revealing the militaristic order of bourgeois civilization, also reveal its abysmal brutality. Continue reading English translation of pamphlet – call for manifestation to the military trial of the Total Objector of Military service Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis

Διεθνιστικό μήνυμα του Ολικού Αρνητή Στράτευσης Δ.Χατζηβασιλειάδη – Internationalist declare from the Total Objector of the Military service Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis

Προς τους καταπιεζόμενους και εκμεταλλευόμενους της Τουρκίας, του Κουρδιστάν και όλης της γης, μήνυμα αλληλεγγύης και αγώνα από την Ελλάδα :

Αδέρφια, εδώ και αιώνες τα αφεντικά μας βάζουν να σφαζόμαστε για τα συμφέροντά τους. Δηλητηριάζουν τις κοινωνίες με εθνικό, φυλετικό και θρησκευτικό μίσος, για να μας κρατάνε απομονωμένους στα σύνορά τους, εξαρτημένους από την οικονομική κυριαρχία τους και φοβισμένους μπροστά στην στρατοκρατική βία τους. Οι γιορτές των καθεστώτων είναι τα σφαγεία του προλεταριάτου.
Στην Ελλάδα όλοι οι άντρες καλούνται να υπηρετήσουν υποχρεωτικά την πολεμική μηχανή της εξουσίας. Όποιοι αρνούνται να στρατευτούν κάτω από τις σημαίες των αφεντικών αντιμετωπίζουν διώξεις και μεγάλες χρηματικές ποινές. Είμαι ένας απ’όλους τους αρνητές στράτευσης, που συνεχίζουμε έμπρακτα, όπως και οι συναγωνιστές στην Τουρκία την κοινή αντίσταση ενάντια στον πόλεμο των αφεντικών.
Τόσο ο ελληνικός στρατός, όσο και ο τουρκικός αποτελούν δραστήρια όργανο του ΝΑΤΟ και των λεηλατικών εκστρατειών του. Ο τούρκικος στρατός διεξάγει στην Τουρκία και στο Κουρδιστάν έναν διαρκή πόλεμο εξόντωσης εκείνων που αγωνίζοται ενάντια στην ταξική και εθνική τυραννία. Ο ελληνικός στρατός προετοιμάζεται να ξαναβγεί στους δρόμους για να καταστείλει μια επικείμενη εξέγερση. Χωρίς την υποταγή μας όμως, οι μηχανές της κυριαρχίας δεν κινούνται.

Κείμενο σε pdf

To the opressed and exploited in Turkey, Kurdistan and around the world, a message of solidarity and struggle from Greece:

Brothers and sisters, for centuries now the bosses make us slaughter each other for their profits. They poison societies with national, racial and religious hatred, in order to keep us isolated within their borders, dependant on their financial domination and in constant fear of their militaristic violence. The regimes celebrate the massacres of the proletarians.

In greece all men are called-up for obligatory military service for the authority’s war machine. Whoever refuses to serve under the flags of the bosses faces prosecutions and large fines. I am one of all those unconditional negators of conscription who carry on the common struggle against the war of the bosses, just as the comrades in Turkey.

The greek army, just like the turkish army, is an active instrument of NATO and its campaigns of pillaging. The turkish army is conducting a perpetual war in Turkey and in Kurdistan to eliminate those who struggle against class and national tyranny. The greek army is preparing to conquer the streets in order to supress a possible insurrection.
Without our submission the machines of domination won’t function.

Sisters and brothers, lets stand on the same side of the front for a world of freedom, equality and solidarity. Lets turn the guns against authority.


Dimitris Hatzivasileiadis Athens, April 2013